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As we sit and reflect on the work that Heightened Hearts has done this year, we can’t help but be amazed by the dedication of our wonderful and giving volunteers. None of our good deeds would be possible without the help of those who are more than willing to give back with no thought of receiving something in return.

While many of our volunteers participate in “hands on” service – creating and distributing food baskets, helping make repairs to people’s homes, or simply being there for a family or elder who needs company and someone who can listen – there are still so many other tasks and jobs that are required to make this work possible.

While you may not see them on the front lines of our work, Heightened Hearts is powered by the help of remote volunteers from around the world who help us with the many things that must get done in order for our work to be successful. This includes things like editing videos, helping coordinate events, marketing, translating, and so much more. Even giving as little time as one hour per week can make an enormous impact on our ability to reach those in need and help them live their lives to the fullest.

If you’ve been inspired by the work of Heightened Hearts and have wanted to get involved, now is the time! No matter how much time you have to give, no matter your location, we need YOU to keep things running smoothly at the Foundation. Here are some desperately needed skills that will help us immensely with managing future projects and helping to spread the word about the work we have done:

  • Writing/editing (for blog posts, social media, speeches, and newsletters)
  • Videography (editing videos and adding subtitles)
  • Translation (Russian/English, Spanish/English)
  • Grant writing
  • Web design
  • Project management
  • Office assistance
  • Marketing
  • Any other skill YOU bring that can help us reach our goals!

With the fast-moving pace of technology, the above volunteer roles can be done anywhere in the world. Are you ready to take a stand with us? Contact us today to learn more about volunteering and share your ideas for what you bring to the table.

In addition, we are always looking for on-site volunteers to help us make a difference. If working directly with families is more your style, please contact us or visit our voluntourism informational page to learn more about opportunities available.

For some, time really is the biggest barrier to volunteering – if you simply cannot find the time, but desire to create real change in the lives of the needy, please make a donation today. Any amount can do wonders in the life of an impoverished person – you have the power to make a difference!

Heightened Hearts